42 products
42 products
Turkish Copper kitchenware and homedecor has been used since the Ottoman Era and nowadays it is getting more popular than ever. You can choose the classic rose-gold version or silver colour, all two kinds of the copper metal are formed by being hammered and/or embossed. All two types get their final look by being engraved. 100% pure copper is known for being a healthy and long-lasting metal. Food & drinks served in handmade copper ware such as copper pitchers and ewers, copper spice sets, serving tray, sugar bowl, copper mugs, teapots, coffee pots, pans, copper grinders are known to taste better. Especially antique looking copper oil lamps are very popular these days. Handmade Anatolian design gives your home decoration the perfect outstanding touch. In Turkey Copper kitchen ware, especially copper cauldron, copper oil bottle, copper Turkish coffee pot, copper trays, copper ashtray, copper sugar bowls, copper decanter, copper cake molds and for cooking copper egg pan, copper soup pot, square copper frying pan and the like are very popular. Besides copper kitchenware decorative goods find their place both in traditional homes as well as modern ones; copper flower pots, large copper bucket, copper hanging planter, copper candlestick, copper umbrella stand and large copper basin are just some of the popular versions of Turkish copper. For example small copper planters will give your balcony a unique touch. New copper as well as old copper is high in value as copper goods can be used a lifelong. Copper kitchen items are oftenly even inherited by ancestors due to their long duration of use. Antique copper pot value or antique copper tea kettle value can be up to a couple hundred dollars depending on its age and type of manufacturing. The tradition of Turkish copper goes back to the Ottoman era where it was used for the production of Turkish copper coffee & tea pots, copper milk jug, Turkish copper trays, copper spice grinder, copper utensil rack, Turkish copper coffee pot, copper chess set, Turkish copper pots and copper pans, copper oven tray, Turkish copper plates and large copper tea kettle. At the end the most popular copper good is the copper Turkish copper coffee sets which makes the Turkish coffee experience as special as possible.
Copper Service Equipment
When we look at our past history extending from Anatolia to the Seljuks and the Ottomans, we see that copper has a very important place. By choosing copper service equipment that we still use in our homes today, you can achieve a nostalgic atmosphere in your home and an authentic look. We know that women, in particular, attach great importance to the products they serve in the kitchen and to their guests. We are trying to serve you with copper service equipment that is worthy of this importance. You can be sure that your guests will not be able to hide their appreciation with these equipment that you can review and purchase from our website. When you serve the wonderful flavors you have prepared in your kitchen with copper serving equipment, you will create a magnificent view on your table. If you want to see nostalgia, authenticity and magnificence all together, you can buy the product you need among these copper service equipment.
The Most Authentic Copper Service Equipment
Below, we have provided information about authentic copper service equipment that you may need on your table or in your kitchen. Whichever of these equipment you prefer to buy, you can make your choice by clicking right now. Thus, you can purchase it and redesign your kitchen in a few minutes.
Copper Rice Bowl and Kayık Sahan: Rice is one of the dishes that must be on the table in our culture. Serving this regular dish with copper rice bowls will add a nice look to your table.
Copper Treats: We always offer a snack when our guest comes. Turkish delights and chocolates are among these treats. You can choose from 25 different copper treats.
Copper Cups: We have 19 different options of copper cups that will give you a nice look in your showcase.
Copper Milk Jugs: You can choose among copper milk jugs to bring the magnificence of the Ottoman palace to your home.
Copper Jugs: We think that copper jugs designed to hold ayran, water or soft drinks will interest you.
Copper Coffee Sets: Coffee is one of the most important beverages of our culture. Wouldn't you like to offer this taste, which has been around since the Ottoman Empire, through copper coffee sets?
Copper Pleasures: In this category, you can see copper pleasures and ice buckets.
Copper Ayran Bowls: You can bring our ancient culture of drinking ayran from bowls to your table with copper buttermilk bowls.
Copper Trays: We learned from our elders to take even a cup of coffee on a tray. How about keeping this culture alive with copper trays?
Copper Sugar Bowls: You can give your guests nostalgic moments by choosing copper sugar bowls, which we always take with you with tea.
Copper Soup Bowls: Using copper soup bowls would be the perfect choice in our kitchen, where our dinner table has starters and a thousand different soup options.
Copper Dinner Plates: You will be able to attract the attention of your guests with the copper dinner plates you place on your table.
Copper Cooking Equipment
The biggest problem we face in today's kitchens is; cooking in a healthy way. When we look at it, there are many cooking equipment produced using fabricated methods equipped with technology and chemicals. However, the health of these cooking equipment is still a matter of debate today. Unfortunately, it is not possible to minimize the effects of harmful substances formed in the foods we eat with the given hormones with the products of the modern age. Handmade copper cooking equipment offers you the privilege of eating healthy. You will eat more delicious food and you will not have to compromise your health with the fabricated equipment used during cooking. Wouldn't you like to protect your health and wrap your home in a historical concept? With the copper cooking equipment you can find on our website, you will be able to cook extremely healthy food and at the same time cause your guests to eat their fingers. You can follow the rest of our article to get information and review the copper cooking equipment we sell to you.
The Healthiest Copper Cooking Equipment
You will be able to gain many advantages with the healthy copper cooking equipment you purchase from our site. On the one hand, you will be able to bring handmade products to your home, and on the other hand, you will be able to cook your food with healthy equipment. Not only that, but also the advantages; We can also add dishes that are high in taste and that your guests will admire when they come to you and will immediately ask where you bought them.
Copper Coffee Pots: It will be wonderful to cook coffee in copper coffee pots, a cup of which we will remember for 40 years and which we would definitely want to cook for our guests who come to our house. You will have access to both frothy and delicious coffees with these coffee pots.
Copper Teapots: Tea is the most important beverage of our culture. We definitely want to drink tea at the breakfast table, while enjoying lunch or sitting in front of a TV series in the evening. Copper teapots come to your rescue for delicious and fragrant tea.
Copper Baking Trays: You will be able to see the difference in taste by baking your pastries, cookies and breads using copper baking trays.
Copper Samovars: When you go on a picnic, especially in the summer months, you can take your copper samovar with you and consume your delicious hot tea in the view of nature.
Copper Pans: Pans are among the cooking equipment we use most in the kitchen. If you want to choose this equipment from the best quality, you can choose from copper pans.
Copper Pots: The condition of healthy food is through copper pots. While cooking your food healthily, you will never compromise on its perfect taste.
Copper Kitchen Equipment
The kitchen is the most special corner where women spend most of their time, feel happy and special, and where they make great efforts to have a unique structure and dream of looking "different". Women who spend most of their day in the kitchen are both healthy and of high quality. They want to use kitchen equipment that does not get damaged easily. Today's kitchen equipment is generally inferior in terms of durability. However, you will be more comfortable and unique and special with copper products that have not lost their effect from the past to the present and stand out for their durability. Copper kitchen equipment After choosing the equipment you need, you have the opportunity to use it in your kitchen for a long time. You also have the opportunity to prepare a more "elegant" presentation for both your family members and your guests by cooking with these copper kitchen equipment, while providing them with a healthier diet. We are here to make you feel healthy, different and special with our unique equipment! You can get all these privileges with the copper kitchen equipment on our website.
The Sturdiest Copper Kitchen Equipment
You can successfully prepare your food in the kitchen by choosing among the most durable copper kitchen equipment that receives good marks in terms of durability.
Copper Spice Jars: By placing them on your table, you will create a pleasant appearance and attract the attention of your guests. Copper spice jars are waiting for you on our website with different models.
Copper Bakes: Buckets, which are the most needed for women in the kitchen, can be met through copper cups, and you too can share this happiness.
Copper Tea Saucers: Are you tired of the classic glass coasters and cliche patterns that break as soon as you think about them? You will be able to present the authentic look to your guests with copper tea plates that you can place under the tea glasses. We are quite sure that you will examine all our models with admiration and attention.
Copper Oil Cans: You can put the oils you buy from the market into copper oil cans and use them in small amounts. You can add a different atmosphere to your kitchen by placing these oil cans on your kitchen counter, especially next to your stove. This will add both elegance and comfort to you.
Brass Hand Mills: Family-loving, organic ladies. Our product is just for you! You can use these grinders in your kitchen to grind your own coffee and hash. It can also be used for making wheat and flour. Moreover, it attracts attention with its health.
Brass Mortars: There are different copper mortars on our website that you can use to chop and pound your food into small pieces.
Copper Home Accessories
The accessories we use in our home both enable us to decorate our home and reveal our character. While some people like modern lines; Some people like authentic and historical accessories. If you are one of those who prefer to avoid fabricated products by decorating your home with historical and handcrafted products, you can immediately choose among copper home accessories. By choosing the product you want from our copper home accessories category on our website, you can immediately make your choice among a variety of different models. In this way, you can both decorate your home with handmade products and contribute to the dominance of the authentic atmosphere in your home. You can choose the products and models you want, buy them immediately and start creating your decoration with copper home accessories.
The Most Decorative Copper Home Accessories
You can see our models among the most decorative copper home accessories listed below by clicking on the relevant section. After you pay for the model you want to buy, your product will be delivered to your home by cargo.
Copper Censers: We make incense to eliminate the evil eye and bad air in our homes by using copper censers to obtain a decorative item.
Copper Bath Bowls: Bath is one of the most important cultures that belong to us. You can make a cultural decoration by bringing the products used in the baths to your home. For this, you can buy copper bath bowls from our website.
Copper Gondolas and Fruit Bowls: You can place copper gondolas and fruit bowls on your coffee tables in your living room and living room.
Copper Louvers: You can decorate your showcases with copper slippers placed between the dinner bowls.
Copper Ewers: Copper ewers are among the magnificent decorative products that you can put in your showcases.
Copper Objects: You can click to choose among copper objects that will contribute to the decoration of your home.
Copper Panels: You can bring history and sweat into your rooms with the copper panels you place in your home. Thus, you can capture a different and noble image.
Copper Pasha Barbecues: Copper Pasha barbecues are among the flashy decorations for your homes.
Copper Vases: Different copper vases are available on our website for those who want to add an authentic atmosphere to their home. You can choose to use these vases as ornaments or as decorations on your dining tables by placing artificial flowers.