What is the Evil Eye?
Many of us cannot understand what or who caused the unfortunate events that happen to us, and sadly, we constantly blame ourselves. Some of us call this situation as a bad energy, but some accept it as destiny itself. So, do you think that people who are really jealous of you could be the cause of unfortunate situations that happened to you? We mean not only jealousy but envy… Let’s find out!
Let’s start with what does your eyes symbolize.
The image of the eye and the eye meaning has a very important place in every field from history to literature. The reason for this is that although human's five sensory organs are at least as important as the sense of vision, we establish a connection between our body and the outside world thanks to our eyes. That is why; what does the eye symbol mean is a very stratified concept. For example, in famous myths and tales, when a person commits a great sin, they lose their eyes or the person whose third eye is opened gains wisdom as well. The reason for that is connected to when the person loses their eyes and disconnects from the outside world, they reconvert themselves to their own unique core. For example, in Ancient Egypt, the eye was associated with gods. God is an all-seeing power, just like our eyes.
The symbolism of the eye is associated with such great but positive entities, as well as with the devil and the negative effect the devil has on the person. The concept of devil is complicated because some cultures considered evil thoughts and sights as also devilish. At this point, the evil eye is involved. We hear you thinking and asking, ‘What is an evil eye’. Let’s have a look at evil eye meaning together!
We talked about eye symbols and the meanings of eye symbols before. One of the biggest reasons why the eye was associated with gods was that our mystic sense organ was believed to be extremely powerful. For example, it is thought that people with bad intentions can use their own eyes to kill children and animals. Although the rays coming out of the eyes were not visible, they had a great effect on the person. Over time, the thought emerged that this effect could not only be physical, but also spiritual. Besides, people with blue eyes, especially in the Mediterranean region, were believed to emit these rays stronger.
What is the evil eye?
When we deal with the question of what the meaning of the evil eye is, etymologically, it means 'to look at something liked with envy and to affect it in a harmful way'. Evil eyes’ origin is also full of confusions but there are some several explanations behind. Although the evil eye actually appears with a look full of jealousy or admiration, it can also occur as a result of imprudently praising a beautiful person and/or something. So, it can happen unintentionally.
The explanation of evil eye meaning: what is the evil eye? What are the effects of it?
In various cultures, the power of harming the other through bad sights and intentions has been identified with certain people like witches; besides, it has been attributed a magical function. This spell is considered as evil eye curse and there are several ways to protect yourself from it. Protection from the evil eyes can be depend on person to person because there are various ways to do it, especially from the evil blue eyes. Yet first we should have a look at the symbolism.
Evil Eye Protection
Evil eye protection is a very complicated process. In many cultures people use evil eye itself as a protection symbol as well, which is called evil eye talisman. You can hang this charm on your house’s door and also fasten with pins to your clothes for protection. To ward off evil eye and its negative affects you can use a mirror to reflect all the negativity over yourself. Likewise, you can put a pinch of salt in front of your house’s door and purify your home from evil spirits and energies. With this method, a curse of evil eye can be vamoosed easily. Even though it is believed evil eye talismans were founded by Greeks and many people believed that there is an explanation of Greek eye meaning, it is actually a Turkish tradition and Turkey’s symbolism as well.
In Turkey, blue eyes generally considered as evil due to the fact that there are not many people who has colored eyes, especially the blue ones. We already talked about what does the evil eye symbol mean and what do eyes symbolize before above. Purple is mostly used when making evil eye beads. The color blue obtained with cobalt is achieved by cooking the copper on fire and mixing it into glass paste in the absence of cobalt. In addition to blue, white, yellow, green, brown and red are also used during the production of evil eye beads. Even though people believed that every evil eye color has its own meaning, there is no such. However, masters believed that yellow, white and blue are the strongest colors for protection; that is why, blue evil eyes are produced more for centuries.
Is the evil eye real?
In a moment when you felt very healthy and energetic, you suddenly became weak and fell ill for no reason. In fact, you are neither tired nor sad. The reason for this is defined by many people as ‘power outage', but this is due to the evil eye, although this is not scientifically proven. A curse of evil eye can make you feel tired and sick. Even though you are a motivated person, it can affect you unpleasingly. We believe just like the energy; the evil eye curse is real guys!
How do you Protect Yourself from the Evil Eye?
As we mentioned to you before, there are several ways to protect yourself from evil eye such as using a mirror and sprinkling a pinch of salt. Also, you can use more applicable methods like wearing evil eye jewelry such as evil eye bracelet and evil eye necklace. This will be the easiest way to protect yourself from negativity, which also does not tire you at all…